In a parallel universe somewhere, conscientious scientists, doctors, nurses and administrators battle with a novel coronavirus that threatens the very survival of our species, while the main media outlets controlled by governments and large enterprises join forces in a heroic effort to persuade us to adapt our behaviour and embrace our new bio-security state for the common good. In such a fantasy world, our enemies are not governments or large corporations, but conspiracy-theorising malcontents who fail to internalise the official narrative. It hardly matters if the tech giants and investment banks are consolidating their grip on wealth and power, while they hold notionally democratic governments to ransom. We are led to believe all these drastic measures, such as censorship of alternative scientific perspectives, heightened surveillance, digital health passports and the growing militarisation of healthcare, serve only to protect us against a nanoscopic genetic sequence invisible to the naked eye.
Yet away from the mainstream media and the celebrity endorsements of our Brave New Normal, Robert F Kennedy Junior’s latest book, The Real Anthony Fauci, has exposed the whole crime syndicate behind the coronavirus narrative. Written very much from a Western liberal social-democratic perspective, Bobby Kennedy has challenged his detractors to fact-check him, not by searching for a quick rebuttal by a corporate fact-checker, but refuting the veracity of his sources with first-hand evidence.
Could the Mainstream Media lie on a such big scale?
Some will switch off as soon as they read the now ubiquitous term, mainstream media. A large cross-section of the chattering classes will instinctively dismiss anything that has not received an official seal of approval or has not been vetted by a fact-checker. The assumption here is that the authorities have our best interests at heart and are somehow trying to protect us against mischievous propagandists.
The UK Parliament is poised to pass the Online Harms Act allegedly to combat terrorism and hatred against vulnerable people. The real targets, as anyone with more than a gram of analytical grey matter on active duty, could work out, are not deranged Islamic fundamentalists or white supremacists, but critical thinkers who do not buy the pandemic narrative or any other narratives that may justify authoritarian control. While the corporate media may obsess with hurty feelings towards protected identity groups, they have launched a hate campaign against those of us who fail to comply with the biotech mafia. As Dr Peter Doshi pointed out at the US Senate event, an antivaxxer is no longer someone who opposes all vaccines, Merriam Webster has extended its meaning to cover opponents of vaccine mandates. In our post-reality world, a biological woman may not hurt the feelings of a biological male identifying as a woman by simply stating he is not a lady, but media pundits and influencers can claim the unjabbed are the enemy within and must either be locked in their homes or forcibly injected with a mystery substance against their express will despite a dearth of evidence that such injections reduce the transmission of an overhyped viral pathogen.
How long can the wishful thinking professional classes, with their designer face-masks, continue to deny the emerging reality of a totalitarian regime that will keep moving the goalposts to exclude new groups of uncooperative human beings? Today, your compliance may mean being double or triple-jabbed. Tomorrow, it may mean having regular mental health screening to check your social conformity. When will the compliant classes realise that unless they belong to the chosen few, they will be next? When will it dawn on the complacent masses who currently go along with the narrative that their favourite celebrity influencers may be bending the truth? Many will have friends, relatives or neighbours who died with covid-19 on their death certificate. They may believe they died because of covid-19, even if they had other underlying conditions, but soon many will have close acquaintances whose life was cut short within days, weeks or months of their last booster shot. The media cannot hide the steep rise in healthy young to middle-aged adults succumbing to life-threatening cardiovascular and neurological illnesses. Part of me hopes the long-term damage can be limited if we stop at 2 or 3 doses of these new mRNA or viral vector injections, but never in human history has a medical intervention been foisted on people with such zeal and coercion. This is probably the biggest exercise in mass persuasion ever undertaken. To persuade the public at large, the authorities have adopted a tailor-made form of NewSpeak. All of a sudden, having access to something no longer refers to availability but to obligation. Having access to clean water is something we all need, but we get to decide how and when to use this essential resource. NLP practitioners understand this psychological association. If someone claims you have access to something or you are eligible for something, you’re more likely to want to take advantage of your new entitlement. The marketing spiel has shifted from disease control to participation in our new bio-security state. Someone somewhere has decided that human beings may only mingle in real life if an external authority can verify their genetic status. We have had to forgo our rights to free association and bodily autonomy to protect us against a nanoscopic genetic sequence. Yet there appears to be little correlation between mRNA injection uptake - something the media calls the vaccination rate, and covid-labelled infection rates. More tests lead invariably to more positive cases. Indeed, recent data from many European countries clearly shows a higher seasonally adjusted mortality rate for young to middle-aged adults.
It's a Technocratic Coup
Both the virus and the so-called vaccines are mere means to an end. Whether either succeeds in significantly downsizing the earth’s population through deadly coercion remains to be seen. Meanwhile, governments have usurped unprecedented powers over our private lives and consigned pluralistic liberal democracy with open debate on all key scientific and ethical issues of the day to history. What remains of democracy is a stage-managed charade with different flavours of the same technocratic fundamentalism. In Britain, the leader of the opposition, Sir Keir Starmer, has called on the government to clamp down on alternative media outlets like Telegram. In Austria and Germany, politicians from all leading parliamentary groups have thrown their rhetorical weight behind mandatory mRNA injections with hefty fines and jail sentences for those who do not comply. The coming months will reveal the dark side of the totalitarian monster behind our politicians. Almost everything the maverick analysts forecast just in early 2020 has come to pass. Quarantine camps, embeddable digital health certificates, robocops and bio-surveillance drones are no longer science fiction. If this were about our health, then we’d look at all-cause mortality, welcome tried and tested therapeutics and allow autopsies with full transparency over healthcare policies. I can think of no other logical explanation for the authoritarian behaviour of governments than a technocratic coup.