All in the Mind Power Dynamics

The Death of Liberal Democracy

… and the sad case of Noam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky doubles down on calls to isolate the unvaccinated

Ever since the French Revolution, we have analysed political conflicts through the prism of the one-dimensional left-right spectrum. In the Western World, many believed the left somehow stood up for the commoners and the right represented the ruling classes. Today the corporate elites pose on the progressive left, openly bankrolling many charities and NGOs that claim to campaign for a potpourri of virtuous causes from action on climate change to refugee rights. The old left-wing alliance that brought together wishful thinking academics and industrial workers was already fracturing long before the covid crisis. All over Europe, the settled working classes had abandoned their traditional Labour or social democratic parties in favour of populist upstarts who promised to restore national sovereignty and family values. Now it is crystal clear the coming battle is no longer between left and right. It is not even a battle between black and white, Muslim and Christian, settled working classes and new immigrants or straights and gays. The big divide now has reverted to the feudal norm of top versus bottom, with the masses in thrall to a universal religion imparted by a new progressive clergy who preach total submission to scientism for the common good.

Like their medieval forerunners, today’s high-tech feudal overlords seek the compliance of their subjects and the ostracization of the unbelievers. However, yesteryear’s rulers could only hold onto their power through the blood, sweat and tears of their loyal subordinates. To maintain their loyalty, the elites had to reward their underlings. Mass consumerism may have let the business classes expand their markets, but it also raised workers’ material expectations.

The ruling classes have now decided to phase out the wider working classes and keep most of their compliant subjects under tightly controlled captivity. Workers cannot overthrow their bosses without bargaining power or the means to set up parallel societies. Welfare dependents owe their existence to the generosity of their captors.

Democracy is a sham without free speech and open debate on all key scientific and ethical issues that affect our lives. For decades one of the great heroes of the libertarian left, Noam Chomsky, earned widespread respect for his analysis of media bias in his bestseller, Manufacturing Consent, his critique of US imperialism and his outspoken support for free speech even for those who may hold beliefs that deny atrocities and offend relatives of the victims of systematic murder. Professor Chomsky has cast himself at various times as a libertarian socialist, anarchist or anarcho-syndicalist, yet has now failed to recognise the biggest power grab in history. Worse still he has fallen hook, line and sinker for the scientifically flawed notion that the so-called unvaccinated pose a threat to responsible citizens who have rolled up their sleeves to accept the magic prick. There is literally no verifiable evidence to support this assertion. The manufacturers do not claim their nanoscopic medical devices can stop you from either catching or spreading respiratory infections. They have only ever claimed that they may alleviate symptoms and reduce the risk of hospitalisation.  If the latter claim were true, then jab refuseniks may pay a little more health insurance to cover additional healthcare costs. The trouble with that logic is that it could be equally applied to other lifestyle choices like eating cakes, binge-drinking and smoking. Should we impose higher taxes on people who fail to exercise or eat their 5 pieces of fruit and vegetables a day? However, the latest data from countries with high mRNA-injection rates show clearly that the double- and triple-jabbed not only catch respiratory infections more often than their unjabbed peers, but they can die with the resulting diseases too. We have had so-called covid outbreaks in nursing homes and on cruise ships with fully vaccinated staff and customers. Why should governments mandate a medical intervention that clearly does not work as advertised? Why are regimes around the world moving heaven and earth to coerce their people into accepting medical surveillance as the new normal? As I write the Canadian government has mandated covid jabs for all inter-province rail and air travel.

If Noam Chomsky can understand that the state does not hold a monopoly on historical truth when it comes to laws that justify censorship to tackle the perceived threat of Holocaust denial, why would he think that the biotech industrial complex should enjoy a monopoly on scientific truth when it comes to coercive mass medication? It hardly takes a genius to figure out that we cannot change history, but we can learn from history to shape our future. Therefore, open debate and full transparency on scientific matters may be a good deal more important than tiresome debates about which despotic regime killed the most people 80 years ago. Does the world-renowned linguist at MIT not realise that vested corporate interests may manufacture consent for medical tyranny in the same way as they did for reckless military adventurism? Can he not see that many of the same political actors who campaigned for the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan now want to roll out digital health certificates at all costs? How can he champion the freedom of Central American refugees to access generous welfare in the United States, while millions of New Yorkers are denied access to restaurants, gyms, theatres and workplaces unless they submit to the diktat of the Biotech Mafia? Is our Noam not aware that not all scientists agree that the new generation of mRNA and viral vector injections, marketed as vaccines, are safe and effective? Could he not apply the same critical thinking that helped him delineate the Fateful Triangle that links the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia to analyse decades of corruption at the heart of the biotech-industrial complex joined at the hip with the better-understood military-industrial complex? Has Noam not observed the close liaison between governments, armed forces and infection control teams? Is he completely oblivious to scenes of armed Australian police beating up dog walkers for failing to wear a mask in their local park? Does his once-admirable opposition to censorship not extend to an explicit condemnation of social media companies who censor any posts at variance with the official advice of the World Health Organisation? Is he not concerned that his fellow academics including Prof. Jon Ioannides of Stanford University, cardiologist Dr Peter McCullough and vaccinologists Dr Byram Bridle, Dr Robert Malone and Dr Geert vanden Bosch have been censored by the same tech giants that are also coincidentally promoting genetically modified injections with undisclosed ingredients?

The rationale for this perverse deference to the pharmaceutical lobby is that in modern life we have to delegate to experts over matters beyond our competence. Most of us need dental check-ups and occasional treatment. However, not all dentists are equally competent or recommend the same solutions. If you are unhappy with your dentist, you can always get a second or third opinion. Do I really need root canal treatment? Are mercury amalgam fillings safe? Believe it or not, different dentists may have different opinions on these matters. Bodily autonomy means you get to decide what other people do with your body. The state should only intervene to protect you against medical malpractice. You may make some unwise choices and pay the ultimate price of early death if you decline a recommended procedure, but that Is your right. As a rule, well-informed citizens with access to a wide range of research can usually make rational choices. Some may shun medication and flu shots in favour of a healthy diet, plenty of exercise and vitamin supplements. Others prefer to pop pills for every conceivable ailment that may affect them. Sooner or later we will find out whose intuition and lifestyle choices lead to better outcomes. With personal freedom comes responsibility and with adventure comes risk. To deny people self-determination over their private and family lives, is, in effect, to redefine what it means to be human.

Future historians will ask how the leaders of organised labour and left-leaning social influencers could let fear of a new variant of the flu justify the imposition of an illiberal bio-security state while super-billionaires buy up much of the world’s prime farmland. It beggars belief that so few mainstream politicians have spoken out against the cataclysmic implications of the Great Reset, something the global elites meeting at the G7, G20 and COP26 no longer hide. The whole agenda is so clearly driven by Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum with the full blessing of Prince Charles, Greta Thunberg and George Soros as well as the Rockefeller and Rothschild dynasties. Two private asset management corporations, BlackRock and Vanguard, can hold debt-ridden governments to ransom. Their combined financial wealth dwarfs that of the world’s top billionaires.

We need to forge new alliances that transcend traditional divides of liberal versus conservative or socialist versus capitalist. The coming battle is over the future of humanity itself. Most of our old intellectual elites have abandoned us. Our main hope lies in the strength of grassroots protests that have erupted across France, Italy, Greece, Romania and sporadically in the UK, US, South Africa and, when allowed by Draconian lockdown laws, in Australia and New Zealand too. The mainstream media have either ignored these demonstrations altogether or has attempted to demonise sections of them as neo-fascists or anti-vaxxers who want to kill your grandparents.  The Italian media has routinely equated antivaxxers perversely with fascists although all major parties there from the right-leaning Lega and Forza Italia to the Five Star Movement and old Communist Party (now known as the Democratic Party or PD) have supported the controversial Green Card, mandating either jabs or expensive antigen tests every 48 hours to access most workplaces, colleges, restaurants, theatres, cinemas, sports centres, hospitals and trains. Last week the Italian trade union federation, CGIL, had the audacity to hold a much-publicised rally against Mussolini's original brand of fascism but in favour of the Biotech dictatorship, while dockers from Trieste and Genoa boldly blocked the ports in defiance of state and corporate intimidation. Such accusations come straight out of the Stalinist playbook. In 1980s' Poland under the WarsawPact, the official labour organisations accused Solidarność of proto-fascism. The opposition no longer comes from left, right or centre, but only from the bottom. The power structures are now clearly aligned. It is once again us versus them.

All in the Mind Power Dynamics

State-sanctioned Hate

How the mainstream media others natural free-thinking human beings

We’re sleepwalking into a new global apartheid. In the post-covid era, segregation may no longer be based on your skin colour, ethnic identity, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability status. Today’s rulers want to divide the non-compliant from the obedient. Countless billions of dollars, euros, pesos and pounds have been spent trying to persuade billions of human beings to accept a new kind of mRNA-injection with undisclosed ingredients. Relentless awareness-raising campaigns, featuring celebrities and media-savvy experts, have persuaded hundreds of millions of us that it is our civic duty to roll up our sleeves not only to alleviate the symptoms of coronaviruses but to protect others.

In recent years, progressive opinion leaders have been quick to shut down debate on topics as diverse as gender theory lessons in primary schools and the sustainability of mass migration by accusing the socially conservative of hate speech. Social influencers have exploited identity politics to such an extent that many feminists and members of racial minorities have now found themselves at the receiving end of hate speech purges. Why would anyone assume that all women must welcome the redefinition of motherhood or all black people must support the marginalisation of indigenous European cultures? The rainbow coalition of diverse categories of human beings has only ever been a tool of social engineering, favouring superficial diversity over strong communities based on cultural continuity and pride in one’s heritage. In short, anyone who questions socially transformative policies promoted at great expense by well-funded lobbies can sooner or later fall victim to censorship and ex-communication for allegedly offending a protected victim group. As many others have pointed out, it is almost impossible to discuss scientific or ethical subjects of any importance without hurting someone’s feelings. It doesn’t make any sense. If you’re pro-Israel, you could be accused of hating Palestinians and if you’re anti-Zionist you could be accused of hating Jews. If I suggested eating large quantities of cakes may shorten your lifespan, someone could accuse me of hate speech against cake eaters. Likewise, if a neurologist claimed women have on average much better emotional intelligence, I could accuse her of hate speech against biological males rather than examine the evidence. If we wish to retain liberal civil societies, I would argue respect and integrity matter more than bland inoffensiveness. I’d rather read the harsh objective truth on a contentious issue than sanitised spin that does more to confuse than enlighten us.

Scientifically Flawed Premise

The whole rationale for the rapid roll-out in country after country of vaccine passports is that they prevent the spread of lethal pathogens to the vulnerable. Yet not even the manufacturers claim that their widely advertised concoctions stop you from catching and spreading the infamous virus they labelled covid-19. They have only ever claimed that they alleviate symptoms if you catch it. This seems rather odd as earlier in the corona crisis we were led to believe in asymptomatic transmission. If true, the unjabbed would have more to fear from the jabbed who could be harbouring the dreaded pathogen without any symptoms and are also no longer required to submit to regular tests. However, the countries with the highest rates of covid-labelled vaccination also have the highest rates of covid-attributed hospital admissions. We only have to look at countries like Israel, Taiwan, Singapore and Australia. They all escaped the worst of the initial bout of rebranded seasonal flu. In the UK, a clear pattern is emerging with double-jabbed over 40 year-olds now statistically more likely to die with covid than their unjabbed peers. More disturbingly, the excess death rate has risen sharply in many countries since late August as mRNA-inoculation rates exceeded 70% of adults. The rise in the seasonally adjusted mortality rate, compared with the average for the previous 5 years, in England & Wales alone greatly exceeds the number of deaths attributed to covid or reported to the Yellow Card Scheme as fatal post-vaccination adverse events (just over 1600). A back-of-the-envelope calculation would reveal around 5000 extra deaths that cannot be otherwise accounted for. In the West of Scotland, there’s been a mysterious rise in patients rushed to hospital with blocked arteries. Some may blame bad diet, poor exercise or lockdown-induced depression, but why would we see a sudden rise now rather than last year before the mass vaccination drive? By now it must be crystal clear to any impartial observer that none of the corona-containment measures favoured by technocrats from house arrest to face masks and coerced jabbing have improved health outcomes. The initial lockdowns may have avoided some infections at the expense of delayed checkups and operations for anything not classified as covid. All of a sudden, the media reports more and more fully vaccinated younger adults dying allegedly with covid. Yet we are still supposed to believe that the Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca or J&J shots not only protect others but justify the exclusion of those who have not had succumbed to intense media and peer pressure to get the jab.

The so-called unvaccinated are now an openly despised underclass, even if most of us have received more than one traditional vaccine in our lives. Natural genetically unmodified human beings may soon gain the status of subspecies. The media derides us as ignorant, selfish, conspiracy-minded or unduly affected by dangerous propaganda disseminated by online activists with sinister agendas. Yet one need not be a rocket scientist to compare the imbalance between the opposing sides. On the one hand, we have the world’s leading banks, tech giants, media behemoths, transnational institutions, NGO’s and indebted national governments working in unison to regulate every aspect of our private lives. On the other, we have the people who have not yet submitted to the will of the Biotech Mafia. In affluent countries with advanced welfare systems, the majority has bought into some aspects of the covid narrative and opted to comply with mask and vaccine mandates to regain some of their former freedoms, but in most of Sub-Saharan Africa and rural India, the uptake remains very low. The Philippine and Indonesian governments have gone to extreme lengths to force these largely unwanted medical interventions on their citizens, but out of 7.8 billion people alive today most remain untouched by mRNA jabs. The only way the biotech moguls can hide the scale of antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) is to blame a new potent pathogen such as the Marburg virus and in some way scapegoat the unvaccinated. Such a strategy can only succeed if the jabbed are too weak and the unjabbed are totally isolated. We pose a threat not because we spread germs more easily but because our ideas are contagious. The world’s tree-hugging technocrats have declared war on natural immunity. They want to commoditise not only immunisation but every illness, whether physical or mental. This has been a long-term trend that has accelerated beyond our wildest imagination within two short years.  The new pariahs are not the unhealthy, whose vulnerability serves the interests of biotech control freaks, but the independently healthy.