Power Dynamics War Crimes

Divide et Impera

How the Global Elites are setting us up for endless civil strife.

The current incumbent of 10 Downing Street, Rishi Sunak, addressed the nation on the day after a by-election result that humiliated the establishment parties. Before the Rochdale by-election, Sir Keir Starmer’s Labour Party seemed poised to win a thumping majority at the next general election, largely through apathy as supporters of the conventional alternatives would rather stay at home and only a small minority of traditional small-c conservatives would back the right-wing-labelled Reform Party.

It seems the Tory high command do not want to win the next general election. They care more about prolonging the war over Ukraine, appeasing Israel and promoting new mRNA injections than addressing any of the practical concerns their voters may have.

The infamous Rwanda Plan to stem the tide of undocumented migrants crossing the English Channel was not only designed to fail but would have entrenched the concept of global governance sending NGO-trafficked opportunists from countries as far afield as Afghanistan and Albania to the African country most favoured by the institutions of global technocracy. Unsurprisingly, Tony Blair is a regular visitor. I wonder if a future UK governance team will resurrect the plan to deal with indigenous dissidents or will we end up in Greenland, Antarctica or some godforsaken high-tech re-education camp in the middle of the Australian outback? It’s a globalist solution to a globalist problem. Our technocratic overlords do not care either about settled communities or about migrants, but exploit the fears and anxieties of both groups to consolidate their control of resources and ultimately their power to determine who thrives and who expires. They do not like strong and close-knit communities able to manage fine without help from the Global Mafia.

The era of mass consumerism got us hooked on the products of a complex planet-wide supply chain that relied on infrastructure controlled by a handful of large corporations. The automotive revolution could not have happened without massive economies of scale. You may sell handcrafted trinkets online but you need to import the raw materials, advertise on social media, dispatch your creations efficiently and accept digital payments to stand a chance of earning a living in the cybersphere. We were lured into a false sense of security in a new world of ubiquitous brand names with their deceptive diversity that displaced earlier mosaics of farms, workshops, open-air markets, independent shops, places of worship and theatres that expressed a custom mix of intersecting cultural influences. Before smartphones connected over half of humanity into a single control grid, the world remained a maze of human mysteries with almost infinite variation. Of course, over many centuries of colonial empires we had gradually grown together but more in the fashion of interlocking cultural paradigms than an earth-enveloping universalism that trumps traditional values passed down through generations.

Given recent authoritarian trends across the Western world, casual observers may welcome scenes of large gatherings of wishful-thinking citizens in cities across Germany chanting “Everyone together against fascism” (or “Alle zusammen gegen den Faschismus”). Were they protesting against censorship or the proposed banning of a major political party represented in the Bundestag? Did they want to defend the right to demonstrate against war crimes in the Middle East? Apparently not, the state-funded organisers, posing on the progressive centre-left, wanted to rally upstanding citizens against any alternatives to the UniParty, embodied by the Christian Democrats, Social Democrats and Greens. Just as radical leftists welcomed a small decline in support for the much-maligned Alternative für Deutschland, the police shut down an international conference on the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Former Greek Finance Minister, Yanis Varoufakis, was among many high-profile attendees banned from Germany. Official explanations for such actions would not have been out of place in the former German Democratic Republic (East Germany). They had to suppress all open criticism of Israeli military operations in Gaza to prevent any resurgence of antisemitism and thus avoid a recurrence of the Holocaust. Objective truth matters little to such apparatchiks. It matters not one jot that many Jews, critical of the Israeli government, were in attendance or that ICJ had concluded that the risk of genocide in Gaza, after over 30,000 civilian deaths, is plausible.

In our upside-down world, the centrists beat the drums of war and the alleged extremists, whether notionally on the left or right, oppose it. While many bankers still support the US/UK/EU/Israel axis, some influential global actors, such as George Soros and his Open Society Foundations, have coopted the Palestinian cause, calling for coordinated international action to force a ceasefire and oust the Netanyahu government. This is the regime-change narrative, the notion that there is some higher authority that can override any national government. Whatever the problem may be, the proposed solutions are always more centralised control. For the WEF, it’s heads we win and tails we let the BRICS alliance win against the old West.