All in the Mind Power Dynamics Uncategorized

Whom may you hate?

Gas the unjabbed (Send the unjabbed to the gas chambers) ! Graffiti by the radical wing of the Covid Cult in trendy post-modern Germany.

When hatred means only loathing protected categories, but it’s fine to direct your anger at new outgroups.

As the antithesis to love, hatred is a natural emotion as old as humanity itself. We hate people who, we believe, mean us harm. By “us” I mean our immediate in-group, ourselves, our family and our wider community. Hatred has its roots in distrust of perceived enemies and fraudsters, something we learn from an early age for the purposes of survival. There’s a reason we teach our children not to accept sweets from strangers. Can we ever justify hateful feelings? Can we ever forgive the perpetrators of heinous crimes? Some may argue that we should only hate evil deeds and give criminals a chance to repent and beg forgiveness. Others argue that some psychopathic criminals are beyond redemption and fully deserve lifelong imprisonment or early death. It may be culturally acceptable to hate irredeemable mass murderers and serial rapists, but organised criminals get others to do their dirty deeds. They also tend to have influential legal and public relations teams to protect them against any likelihood of prosecution.

Hatred is very problematic when it comes either to collective guilt or the demonisation of outgroups at odds with mainstream society, however defined. It may be wrong to tarnish a whole ethnic group with the crimes of their ruling elites, but such divisive tactics often serve the interests of the new ruling classes. The old British upper crust appealed to patriotism and civilisational superiority. They were happy for British settlers to displace the natives in far-off lands when it suited their expansionary purposes. To justify colonialism, the dominant organs of propaganda unpeopled the restless natives. Today they exploit migratory flows in the opposite direction for almost the same reasons, to undermine traditional ways of life, suppress self-sufficiency and subjugate everyone to their rebranded corporate dictatorship.

Back in the 1950s and 60s it was okay to hate practising homosexuals. As late as 1983 the mainstream media vilified Peter Tatchell, an openly gay Labour candidate, posing on the radical left, in the inner-city Labour stronghold of Bermondsey. He lost to the Liberal candidate, Simon Hughes, who later admitted his bisexuality, after attempting to deny such rumours for over 20 years as a high-profile politician. Today, the same treatment is meted out to alleged transphobes, namely people who believe in natural procreation and biological definitions of man and woman. We witnessed this in the Scottish National Party’s recent leadership election contest. The same corporate media that 40 years ago had hounded Peter Tatchell as a dangerous extremist conducted a smear campaign against Katie Forbes, a devout Christian who had opposed the ill-fated Gender Recognition Reform bill.

Yesterday’s protected categories can become today’s outcasts. Germaine Greer has transitioned from being a celebrated feminist author, admired by the radical chic left and regularly appearing on TV, to a reactionary old bat that transgender rights activists want to de-platform. It’s now politically correct to hate TERFs (trans-exclusionary radical feminists) as we can observe in countless videos of screeching blue, green or pink-haired demonstrators attempting to stop natural-born women, such as the courageous Kellie-Jay Keen, from defending their gender-based rights.

It seems only yesterday when the woke left defended Muslims against Islamophobia. Now the spectre of Islamophobia has served its purpose in justifying the more surveillance and censorship as well as shutting down rational debate on mass migration, social engineers feel empowered to target fragmented religious communities who oppose the teaching of gender theory in primary schools. The Scottish government’s new hate speech law encourages children to report parents who express homophobic or transphobic beliefs. This pretty much incriminates followers of all leading faiths that preach the virtues of motherhood in the context of stable two-parent families.

Last but not least, we have the sizable minority of adults and teenagers who consciously decided not to succumb to unrelenting coercion to get vaccinated in order to participate fully in society. For the best part of two years, TV talking heads, celebrities, employers, politicians, academics, trade union bosses, social media influencers and religious leaders not only evangelised mRNA injections, they lampooned antivaxxers as ignorant, selfish and anti-science. Even Noam Chomsky supported the isolation of the wilfully unjabbed. At stake was much more than vaccine safety, but bodily autonomy, transparency and accountability. All of a sudden, people lost the right to disagree with state-mandated pseudo-scientific dogma. The left-branded progressive media now targets not so much the unvaccinated as those who question the vaccine narrative, including people like Dr Aseem Malhotra or Andrew Bridgen MP who had initially backed the vaccine campaign. It’s okay to hate the enemies of the Biotech Mafia.

All in the Mind Power Dynamics

State-sanctioned Hate

How the mainstream media others natural free-thinking human beings

We’re sleepwalking into a new global apartheid. In the post-covid era, segregation may no longer be based on your skin colour, ethnic identity, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability status. Today’s rulers want to divide the non-compliant from the obedient. Countless billions of dollars, euros, pesos and pounds have been spent trying to persuade billions of human beings to accept a new kind of mRNA-injection with undisclosed ingredients. Relentless awareness-raising campaigns, featuring celebrities and media-savvy experts, have persuaded hundreds of millions of us that it is our civic duty to roll up our sleeves not only to alleviate the symptoms of coronaviruses but to protect others.

In recent years, progressive opinion leaders have been quick to shut down debate on topics as diverse as gender theory lessons in primary schools and the sustainability of mass migration by accusing the socially conservative of hate speech. Social influencers have exploited identity politics to such an extent that many feminists and members of racial minorities have now found themselves at the receiving end of hate speech purges. Why would anyone assume that all women must welcome the redefinition of motherhood or all black people must support the marginalisation of indigenous European cultures? The rainbow coalition of diverse categories of human beings has only ever been a tool of social engineering, favouring superficial diversity over strong communities based on cultural continuity and pride in one’s heritage. In short, anyone who questions socially transformative policies promoted at great expense by well-funded lobbies can sooner or later fall victim to censorship and ex-communication for allegedly offending a protected victim group. As many others have pointed out, it is almost impossible to discuss scientific or ethical subjects of any importance without hurting someone’s feelings. It doesn’t make any sense. If you’re pro-Israel, you could be accused of hating Palestinians and if you’re anti-Zionist you could be accused of hating Jews. If I suggested eating large quantities of cakes may shorten your lifespan, someone could accuse me of hate speech against cake eaters. Likewise, if a neurologist claimed women have on average much better emotional intelligence, I could accuse her of hate speech against biological males rather than examine the evidence. If we wish to retain liberal civil societies, I would argue respect and integrity matter more than bland inoffensiveness. I’d rather read the harsh objective truth on a contentious issue than sanitised spin that does more to confuse than enlighten us.

Scientifically Flawed Premise

The whole rationale for the rapid roll-out in country after country of vaccine passports is that they prevent the spread of lethal pathogens to the vulnerable. Yet not even the manufacturers claim that their widely advertised concoctions stop you from catching and spreading the infamous virus they labelled covid-19. They have only ever claimed that they alleviate symptoms if you catch it. This seems rather odd as earlier in the corona crisis we were led to believe in asymptomatic transmission. If true, the unjabbed would have more to fear from the jabbed who could be harbouring the dreaded pathogen without any symptoms and are also no longer required to submit to regular tests. However, the countries with the highest rates of covid-labelled vaccination also have the highest rates of covid-attributed hospital admissions. We only have to look at countries like Israel, Taiwan, Singapore and Australia. They all escaped the worst of the initial bout of rebranded seasonal flu. In the UK, a clear pattern is emerging with double-jabbed over 40 year-olds now statistically more likely to die with covid than their unjabbed peers. More disturbingly, the excess death rate has risen sharply in many countries since late August as mRNA-inoculation rates exceeded 70% of adults. The rise in the seasonally adjusted mortality rate, compared with the average for the previous 5 years, in England & Wales alone greatly exceeds the number of deaths attributed to covid or reported to the Yellow Card Scheme as fatal post-vaccination adverse events (just over 1600). A back-of-the-envelope calculation would reveal around 5000 extra deaths that cannot be otherwise accounted for. In the West of Scotland, there’s been a mysterious rise in patients rushed to hospital with blocked arteries. Some may blame bad diet, poor exercise or lockdown-induced depression, but why would we see a sudden rise now rather than last year before the mass vaccination drive? By now it must be crystal clear to any impartial observer that none of the corona-containment measures favoured by technocrats from house arrest to face masks and coerced jabbing have improved health outcomes. The initial lockdowns may have avoided some infections at the expense of delayed checkups and operations for anything not classified as covid. All of a sudden, the media reports more and more fully vaccinated younger adults dying allegedly with covid. Yet we are still supposed to believe that the Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca or J&J shots not only protect others but justify the exclusion of those who have not had succumbed to intense media and peer pressure to get the jab.

The so-called unvaccinated are now an openly despised underclass, even if most of us have received more than one traditional vaccine in our lives. Natural genetically unmodified human beings may soon gain the status of subspecies. The media derides us as ignorant, selfish, conspiracy-minded or unduly affected by dangerous propaganda disseminated by online activists with sinister agendas. Yet one need not be a rocket scientist to compare the imbalance between the opposing sides. On the one hand, we have the world’s leading banks, tech giants, media behemoths, transnational institutions, NGO’s and indebted national governments working in unison to regulate every aspect of our private lives. On the other, we have the people who have not yet submitted to the will of the Biotech Mafia. In affluent countries with advanced welfare systems, the majority has bought into some aspects of the covid narrative and opted to comply with mask and vaccine mandates to regain some of their former freedoms, but in most of Sub-Saharan Africa and rural India, the uptake remains very low. The Philippine and Indonesian governments have gone to extreme lengths to force these largely unwanted medical interventions on their citizens, but out of 7.8 billion people alive today most remain untouched by mRNA jabs. The only way the biotech moguls can hide the scale of antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) is to blame a new potent pathogen such as the Marburg virus and in some way scapegoat the unvaccinated. Such a strategy can only succeed if the jabbed are too weak and the unjabbed are totally isolated. We pose a threat not because we spread germs more easily but because our ideas are contagious. The world’s tree-hugging technocrats have declared war on natural immunity. They want to commoditise not only immunisation but every illness, whether physical or mental. This has been a long-term trend that has accelerated beyond our wildest imagination within two short years.  The new pariahs are not the unhealthy, whose vulnerability serves the interests of biotech control freaks, but the independently healthy.